When the original 3D-licious Icon Collection was realesed, the reaction from some members of the icon community was less welcoming than I expected. I did, however, get enough email from visitors to the PixelPress to encourage me to complete a second set. Attention paid to the original 3D-licous by Sara from Sara's IconParade (http://get.to/iconparade) was also most instrumental in this, the second 3D-licious set. Thanks, Sara! If you've never been to the IconParade you should check it out, Sara spotlights the best sets on the web and lists virtually every page with icons available.
This set, like the original 3D-licious Icon Collection, is pretty much a miscellaneous icon collection, presenting a few themes but not a sole uber-vision.
I would like to give credit where it is due: As mentioned in the origianl 3D-licous ReadMe!, I extend my thanks to Copland Icons (http://www.graphicsdesign.org/copland/), one of whose designs was the genesis of inspiration for the 'Factory Icon (Revised)'. I would also like to mention a gentleman who released icons by the name Tobias, whose 'Network Browser' icon was the inspiration for my own version of the same icon. To avoid any trouble, I did start my own icon completely from scratch, but thank you none the less, Tobias, where ever in the web you are :)
The enclosed icons are ツゥ2000 PixelPress. The icons are original artwork from the author and can be used free of charge by any person or company public or private without a licensing fee. These icons can only be distributed as freeware. If you choose to redistribute 3D-licious Vol. 2 Icon Collection, you may not charge fees or request compensation OF ANY KIND and the read-me file must accompany the set at all times. By downloading this file you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this agreement.
How to make use of these Mac Icons:
1. You need system 8.5 or higher.
2. Do a "Get Info" (File menu) on the original icon file that you want to use.
3. Click on the icon in the window; choose "Copy" (Edit menu).
4. Close the window, then "Get Info" on destination file/folder/disk.
5. Click on the icon, choose "Paste" (Edit menu).
6. Don't forget to e-mail me and let me know what you think!
Gary Gehiere - ggehiere@hotmail.com
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